1.Text Type Input Field
When you select Text Type in , the field lets user insert TEXT or Text with numbers as well.
2.Number Type Input Field
As is obvious , the filed lets the number as input.
3.Select Type Input Field
Select type lets you create a Dropdown of options. There are two ways to create a drop down of the data.
4. Check Box Input Type
You you need to create a check box for some data, this input type should be selected . You need to write Option1,Option2, Option 2 ,,,, the web calculator will have a check box inout with those options.
5. Range Input Type
If you want to give a user a slider for choosing a value , you can use Range input type . For example , say you want users to chose a value between 1 to 100 , then in the Data column , you write 1,100,1 which means , 1, is the minimum value ,100 is max value , the slider will move by 1.
6.Radio Input Type
Similar to Select Input Type , when you want users to chose only one out of many options , you can write the options , separated by a comma (,) , and the web calculator will have a Radio input type field with those options.
7. Group Button Input Type
You can represent as SELECT input type or RADIO input type or a more fancy button type , when you select Group Button . For example , if you need to give users to say Yes, No or two to three option, just select Group Button and in the Data Column , write options with comma separation. For example, Yes, No . On the web calculator , a group of button will appear with Yes, No .
8. Group Box Input Type
Group Box input type basically not a field , but it groups various input fields . You will need this to give a good user interface and more communicative calculator's input fields . fr example , if you create tax calculators, there are many inputs for a particular type of conditions . Then first select a row , give a title and select Group Box as input type. After that whichever input fields will be written , it will be grouped with Title you gave for Group Box.